
Welcome to my blog!

I've been writing my draft perspectives here not only because I need to improve my English skills but also 'cause I like both writing and learning so much. Some topics will be addressed such as Physics, computer's stuffs and Educational issues.

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What's Science?

Welcome to my first post about Science. Here, you will have contact with many concepts about nature. I hope that all of them can be useful for you and you can improve your knowledge.

First of all we need to start talking about the Scientific Methods. So, what is that? Many people believes that is the more important thing when we discuss about Science, and if you are a Physics' student, you probably would have heard of that. The word Scientific Method had likely its first appear with Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). In truth, we can consider that Science does not done in a same way by all the scientists. But if you like following a path, you can consider a method for describe facts about nature.

Scientific Method could be considered as a step-by-step for help thinking about an event in the nature. Well, see bellow an way following when you decide think as a scientist:

1. Recognize a question such as an unexplained fact.
2. Make an hypothesis that could to solve the fact.
3. Predict consequences of the hypothesis.
4. Perform experiments or meake a calculations to test the predictions.
5. Formulate the simplest general rule that organizes the three main ingredients:
(a) hypothesis;
(b) predicted effects; and
(c) experimental findings.


  1. June 2023


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